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What Once Was Lyrics

3 Mile Scream What Once Was

Gaze into these eyes again and tell me that you do not
think that you see something more than
Nothing because that's the way you've treated me over
the past few months now I've decided that
I've got more friends than I need

You must reconsider or else walk on; I will look down
as you
Kneel before me, when you bow down before me, as you
kneel before me, when you bow down

Our fates have taken separate paths
What once was
Has now evaporated into this cloud
Of mistrust

Desperation can really change a man's perspective on
life and how he will treat the other
Members of his family I am tired of all these games
that we place
I've got more friends than I need

Discern that just by thinking this is about you, you're
fueling my hate towards you
Kneel before me, when you bow down before me, as you
kneel before me, when you bow down

Our fates have taken separate paths
What once was
Has now evaporated into this cloud
Over us

You think that we can just turn back the clocks but we
can't because it's far too late

Keep your psychobabble, we don't need it anymore, our
newborns blood has coagulated
We stand firmly on our own now there's no more need for
your support

I hate you, condemn you, betrayer, I'll laugh as you
Kneel before me, when you bown down before me, as you
kneel before me, when you bow down
(I've got more friends than I need)
