David Rovics Lyrics
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David Rovics Lyrics

»  After The Revolution
»  After We Torture Our Prisoners
»  Behind The Barricades
»  Black Flag Flying
»  Burn It Down
»  Drink Of The Death Squads
»  Du
»  Failed State
»  Falluja
»  Four Blank Slates
»  Halliburton Boardroom Massacre
»  Henry Ford Was A Fascist
»  Hobo's Lullaby
»  I'm A Better Anarchist Than You
»  If I Die Tomorrow
»  In One World
»  Jenin
»  Life Is Beautiful
»  Make It So
»  Mi Amor
»  New Orleans
»  Operation Iraqi Liberation (oil)
»  Oppositional Defiant Disorder
»  Rojava
»  Rpg
»  The Commons
»  The Village Where Nothing Happened
»  They're Building A Wall
»  Too Proud To Beg
»  Who Would Jesus Bomb
