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Cheese Grater Lyrics

Angry Hill Cheese Grater

Water logged brain gets fogged dead end job
Soaked to the bone, drain gets clogged, back to square one
Little rise into space most settle in a safe place
Who will ride the crazy wave or will the wake break

Just when you thought the rain was gone it still rains
Just when you thought the fear was gone your so afraid cheese grater

Edged in stone I see gold tire blown good God
These fields I've seen, these fields of dreams, I'm sick of you teasing me
Ride to the moon in a balloon, then popping you, what a waste
Can I build the great machine or will it be too late

Just when you thought the rain was gone it still rains
Just when you thought the fear was gone your so afraid cheese grater

Dirty wives legs open wide, their men beat them into place
Make up a lie, want a knife in my spine fake the mistake

Just when you thought the rain was gone it still rains
Just when you thought the fear was gone your so afraid
Just when you thought you knew right from wrong you where so wrong
Just when you thought the song was strong, they say get a new job, it was a weak one
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