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A Mei Is In Danger! Lyrics

Random Encounters A Mei Is In Danger!

A Mei is in danger!
Her health is very low!
Her cool-down's active;
It's counting super slow!

She may be in trouble
If healing won't come soon
The clock is ticking and-

"Quit screwing around, Mei!"
No soldier to save her!
No Mercy for Mei!
The health pack's hacked
And a Reaper's in the way!

A Mei needs healing, but
"Fire in the hole!"
A Rip Tire's coming
To take its toll!

A Mei is in danger!
Her ending is nigh!
And Reaper is hoping
She'll "DIE DIE DIE!"

She's nearly a goner
With each narrow miss-
Her luck's just about
Run fully out
As D.Va shouts

A D.Va's in danger
But not as much as Mei!
Now D. Va's hunting
Her helpless prey!
Mei's Cryo-freeze is ready
And now's her chance to act!
But Mei can't use it
Cause she's been HACKED

A Mei is in danger!
Her plight could not be worse!
Poor Mei is maybe cursed…

A Mei is in danger!
Her odds are asinine!
But now her healing is
Back online!
