3 Feet Smaller Strike Back
On a day like today I just don´t wanna get up
the sky is grey, it rains and being a frontman just
what a perfect day to commit suicide, what a perfect
day to write the story of my life
goodbye Mom, bye bye Dad, I´m glad that I had parents
like you but now it´s too late, no that´s not a good
start for the last letter I´ll write, maybe Life wasn´t
good to me, I never got what I liked
[:Is it worth that is that what I deserve
Feeling lost and rejected unnoticed and thrown back:]
I won´t stand that I will strike back
What´s the meaning of life? I don´t another strife
sometimes I could take a knife and slit your head off,
Good Night
I hate to say, I hate the way How this Band works, it´s
not my fault OK. I´ve made a few mistakes, liked to say
what I think but at least I started to think. You just
wanna do, what´s good for you. F..ck everyone else, and
again I end up talking to myself.
Let´s be honest it´s true I wanted to quit this shit,
cuz I don´t wanna end up like you, ignorant. F..cked up
shit like this brought me to this point isn´t it
possible to do something conjoint? If three are for it,
and one is against than that one gets f..cked right up
the ass I don´t get your point
As a matter of fact I´m always the only one who´s
against something and that´s why I get f..cked on and