Aaron Pelsue Shabach
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise The Lord
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise the Lord
Yadah, Extend Your Hands
Todah, Lift Up Your Hands
Taqua, Means To Clap Your Hands
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise The Lord
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barack, Praise The Lord
Tehillah, Means To Sing Ou oU
Hallah, that means to Celebrate
Karar, that means to Dance
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise The Lord
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise The Lord
times 2
Yadah, Extend your hands
Todah, Lift Up those Hands
Taqua, means to Clap Your Hands
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise the Lord
Shabach, Hallelujah
Barak, Praise the Lord
times 2
Tehillah, Means to Sing Ou oU
Hallal, Means to Celebrate
Karar, Means to Dance
Karar, means to Dance
Karar, means to Dance
shabach, hallelujah
barak, Praise the lord
shabach, hallelujah
barak, Praise to lord
times 2