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I Hate Halloween Lyrics

Acid Witch I Hate Halloween

Bats join the witches, they fly across the moon
Organs blare and raise your hair, shrieking evil doom
Cats crawl into pumpkins, they're in for quite a scare
Because they did not know that a ghost was living there
Spoil the fun of Halloween
Spoil the fun of Halloween
Spoil the fun of Halloween
Spoil the fun of Halloween

I love the leathered touch
Of the good book that I clutch
Between god-fearing trembling hands
I'm sworn to scour this Christian land
Of commies, queers and heathen scum
Jews and blacks and lesbians
They signed in blood the Devil's contract
And partake in sinful acts because
I hate Halloween
Makes me want to scream

Through my window I often stare
At all the evil in the world out there
I'm the judge and jury of other's lives
With a glare of sharpened knives
Paranoia of the pagan rite
And evil jack o' lanterns all alight
Brainwashed kids in masquerade
The Devil leads this black parade

I hate Halloween
The damned souls blaspheme

And my bell, it keeps on ringing
And the kids, they keep on singing
That damned trick or treating song
(Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat)
Shut up! Shut up! Shut the f..ck up!
And now my head is really spinning
And my stomach, it feels so sickening
But I've got something for them in store
When they come knocking at my front door

Like the witch's cat
My mind just fades to black
Hand reaches for the knife
Gonna carve 'em like their lantern jacks
I'll teach those brats a lesson
For incessant doorbell toll
Envision children writhing
In plastic costumes dripping with gore
This will be the last time
I get ding-dong ditched
But as I swing open the door
There stands a slimy witch
