Akira The Don Suffering Exists
Suffering exists as a consequences of our limitations
Every single person who's alive is going to die
Suffering exists as a consequences of our limitations
Every single person who's alive is going to die
And every single person who's alive is going to deal with
Serious physical illness and mental distress
And so the fact of our finitude is essential to the nature of our being, and we're forced to deal with it on an ongoing basis
If you could do absolutely anything you wanted at any point
And be anywhere you wanted, and be anything you wanted
(I wonder, I wonder, what you would do)
(If you had the power to dream any dream you wanted)
If there was nothing that was out of your reach
There would be nothing to do
There's no story, there's no being
And there's no story, and there's no being
And there's something about being that is a story, and without limitation, there's no story
There's no story
There's no story
Suffering exists as a consequences of our limitations
Every single person who's alive is going to die
Suffering exists as a consequences of our limitations
Every single person who's alive is going to die
Human's are vulnerable and that's tragic
But if tragedy is the price that we pay for existence then so be it
So tragedy itself can't be regarded as evil
It's a condition of existence
So earthquake aren't evil, and cancer isn't evil, and mental illness isn't evil, and preditors aren't evil
They're just part of the way things are
But there are certain categories of human action
That are definitely outside the parameters of mear tragedy and those are the things we really have to get a handle on
Suffering exists as a consequences of our limitations
Every single person who's alive is going to die
Suffering exists as a consequences of our limitations
Every single person who's alive is going to die