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Stella Lyrics

Al Jolson Stella

Oh St-St-St-St-Stella, I-I-I'm a lucky fella
'Cos-cos I'm in the ar-army now, yeah, ah I-I gotta gun
Er-er-er, St-Stella, er I'm right here to tell ya
Tha-tha-tha-that my dander's , my dander's up, and how, boy I'm mad
I-I've heard folks say I'm off the cob
I don't know what that means

But anyhow, I-I've got a job
And a brand new pair of khaki jeans
Uncle Sam has beckoned
So, St-Stella, dear, I reckon
That I-I'll stay in the ar-army now, yeah, yeah
I think I'll stay right in it, yeah!
