Alpha Sometime Later
Touch my hand, It's all in me listen, I'm here. Come to stand In sultry fields With you, And now, Hold down in day, I know it's over this way, I'm laughing, So you're gonna kiss me, You say yeah as I say, One day she ?? , A lonely bird, Alone. Judgement day, So the world is gone, I'm hurt, So the sea, That's how it feels to me I hate the world it's sad to see I take you away and you heart fades away Today ?? To lay the words but ?? I mean it, you don't force on my head Kill our nightmare A lonely bird, a lonely bird A lonely bird, a lonely bird A lonely bird, a lonely bird Color me, Cover me in the color that reminds you, Solemnly, Could make the same mistake, and you would never know, But I am, but I am, Alone, now, Something, something, tells me that you, Have something, All, all others now, You have taken over me now, Call at me, hey, Oh little love, Call at me in person, Please oh, Me, oh. Hold the sun down, hold the sun down Hold the moon down, leave me the rest, Wonder on me, To the world I, Only relief is to slip through the net, Hold a minute And stop for a minute And go, Hold a minute, You say to me, Say to me and We, we, we, we .... You say to me Sometime later.