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Eye Of The Lens Lyrics

Angels Comsat Eye Of The Lens

I'm walking down a street where children play
When they see me they run away
She will not look at me, she won't say why
And when I ask her she just cries

No-one will talk to me, they turn to go
Their faces say there's something I should know
Could I be a victim of the games of all my friends
Or am I really being watched by the eye of the lens

My world is empty now, no-one comes near
No-one can stand the smell of fear
Hours pass so slowly, time beats a drum
As I wait for what I hope won't come

No-one will talk to me, they turn to go
Their faces say there's something I should know
Could I be a victim of the games of all my friends
Or am I really being watched by the eye of the lens

Something's coming closer, I can only stare
The scream of silence fills the air
I was not a victim of the games of all my friends
Now I find myself behind the eye of the lens.

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