Antropomorphia Crown Ov The Dead
A thickening veil
Slumbering nocturnal light
A Stygian spell penetrates the starless night
Cadaveric instruments of wickedness
Scorched Stench
Breathes into vast nothingness
Sculptures of bones
Gobbets of flesh
A charnel empire
Redolent of death
Crown of the dead
Tongue of gods
Daemon seed
The unblessed form
Deathless eternity
Crown of the dead
Lifeless hearts framed new shades ov hell
From the depths of Erebus
Reverberations of her spell
Woeful cries of the lamented death
To live another time
Spon from a second thread
With a motionless heart and fettered limbs
The desecrated corpse
Adorned in a rotting slumber
Instilled from misery
Risen from the deep
A second birth to still the horrid hunger
Harvest mysteries from an anguished tongue
A glance of carnage and malevolent might
Wielding swords of blazing fire
The grandeurs of war
Scorching glare of genocide