Arcane Grail Cemetery Of The Lost Souls
Moonlight trickleth through the clouds and the
space converts to steam Left behind the rays of
passion approach the nightmare of dead man’s dream
Far away nobody lives, and all enshrouded in
darkness Ghost-fiends gnawing human bones, they
are cruelty and madness!
It was their first mistake, it was their last
mistake They’ve built the cemetery ‘pon damned and
holy place Against the azure sky and ‘neath the
paly moon For triumphal entrance forth from the
mother womb
There’s no time and there’s no freedom ye can’t
hide in Pluto’s kingdom Dread and icy cold
penetrateth through the evil eyes of sinner He
knows all about anguish only he has rights of
winner Hence the cemetery’s erected ‘round the
village start devildom
Welcome to asylum of the lost souls – to the
graveyard of the wild pain Those who’ll risk their
lives at late night will be captives in the
chill-steel rain Only there immortal soldiers lie
in endless languish boredom ‘Cause their souls
have doomed for penance they must stay in racking
Ghosts are breathing o’er the graveyard – fog
spreads ‘bove the sleeping hollow Screams of
spirits melt in silence – which could be the sole
haven Now the graveyard’s full of demons – they’re
inspiring fear and horror, Feeding by the pure
mays’ juice, nourishing with preux knights’ gore
There’re only fearful woods around where birds of
prey sing praise to death Olden mountains guide
the feebles to the meeting with their last breath
Beasts, which look like Hadean monsters waiting
for the cruel murthers They’re just faithful sons
of evil trying to be devils’ soldiers
That’s His domain, reign of dusk, blood and death
with loud wargs’ bark People can’t revolt and
fight, ‘cause their souls are by His side.