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Diamonds And Graphite Lyrics

Arson Diamonds And Graphite

the day i tried to soak up all the light, erroneous; to
push my ego was a fight. the day i tried to soak up all
the light, erroneous; wanted to shine so fine and
bright - diamonds and graphite, both are carbonic;
reflect, shine or gulp down light. diamonds and
graphite, dynamic in it or some kind of ego-trip - so
what remains? dirt and a black, coaly briquette. so
what remains? a man without glare, stained and fat.
- diamonds and graphite, we’re all carbonic; reflect,
shine or gulp down light. - so what is gained? all
alone be my greatest fan. to reflect heaven, i’d rather
be a diamond then. diamonds and graphite, dynamic
in it, or some kind of ego-trip, alright?!

romans 12.3
