Ashmont Hill Fill This Temple
Hallelujah, to the Lamb of God
To Him who was and is to come
Hallelujah, Heaven and earth bow down
To Him who traded crowns for thorns
So I'll fall at Your feet singing
Holy, Holy God Almighty
Fill this temple with Your glory
Who is worthy, none beside Thee
Fill this temple with Your Glory Lord
Hallelujah to the risen King
Who conquered death to hold our key
Hallelujah elders and saints proclaim
You are the King of Majesty
So I'll fall at your feet, singing
Holy, Holy God Almighty
Fill this temple with Your glory
Who is worthy, none beside Thee
Fill this temple with Your Glory Lord
Ohoh Ohoh Oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh oh
Ohoh (Fill this temple)
Fill this temple with Your glory Lord
Forever we will sing
Holy HolyYou are Holy
You are Holy
Holy, Holy God Almighty
Fill this temple with Your glory
Who is worthy, none beside Thee
Fill this temple with Your Glory Lord