Aunty Social You Seem Different
Long hair
Grease with no products
Just a simple man
Wealthy with problems
Tube of lipstick on her lips
But no man to wipe it off with
4-inch heels
Painted red bottoms
Fake labels to show them
"Are you wearing Prada?"
Is it all the same
All the same
Is it true
Is it true what they say about you
Is it true, is it true
What they say about you
Did you fall in love
Do you do drugs
You know I meant no offense
But you're really very different now
Is it true
Is it true
What they say about you
Is it true
Is it true
Is it true
Is it true
Tailored to always [?]
Then goes home to the basement of his mother
Instagram friendly couple of the year
Pictured smiles practiced in the mirror
Class clown winning awards with his jokes
Social anxiety comes with sobriety
Is it all the same
All the same
Is it true
Is it true what they say
About you
Is it true
Oh, is it true what they say
About you
Did you fall in love
Do you do drugs
You know I meant no offense
But you're really very different now
Is it true
Is it true
What they say about you
Is it true
Is it true
Is it true
Is it true
Here again
I've been staying home
And if I break
Will you sit and watch
And you can't believe that we're not the same
Just keep spinning around
You beat up model
You, you
You, you
You, you
You, you