Avatar Ethereal Presence
I watch the surface of this endless river in which I'm plunged to my waist. | Through its body the world observes the contrasts of her face. | I ban to sip from the water. | It's clear and cold like the celestial part. | I see the reflexion of my upper half from above. | The other half with the hind limbs, the gonads, the buttocks and the split between them doesn't exist anymore;but does it means I'm less complete now? | Now I have twice my hands, twice the two cerebral hemispheres. | With this atypical structure of mine - two halves meaning more than the whole - I estrange myself from any breathing creature. | I vanish like rolls of smoke to the sky, but for me there is no more sky. | I'm prepared for the final challenge, which will drive me to the gates of an magnificent citadel. | By then, I'll leave behind past, prich, hopes and pain.