B.o.b Radio Skit
Commissioner! Terry Urban..
[Radio:] This is WKSB Radio.. Radio.. Radio!
We've got a special guest today, and he's big.. Big.. Really big!
[Host:] Aha, okay, what's happening? This is WKSB Ra-G-io, and this is your man W-K-dot Exclusive!
Right now I got my man B.o.B in the station, what's happening player?
[B.o.B:] "Aha, aha, what's happening? B.o.B!"
[Host:] "Okay, so from my understanding, I heard you got the hottest everywhere song, and it's just straight official, man, like -"
[B.o.B:] "Aha! yeah!"
(Heckler laughing in the background)
[Host:] "- Oh yeah - it's a straight club banger material!"
[B.o.B:] "It's straight club banger material!"
[Heckler:] ("Hahahaha! Wait, is that Bob over there!? Hahahaha! Hey, Bob! Hey Bob!")
[Host:] "It's a club after the pimping! What's - tell - tell me about that, player!"
[Heckler:] (" It's cool man, come on man! Let's go, man! I know that loser over there! His name is Bob!")
[B.o.B:] "My man, like.. Really man, the way my style is, like..
I'm really, i'm really a kool-aide [?], but I ain't really..
But I ain't really want to be.. Ugh, cuh.."
[Heckler:] ("Ahaha, ahaha.. Is that Bob over there!? Hey Bob! Hey Bob!")
[B.o.B:] "Hey, yo! Yo, what's up!? I'm trying to do an interview man! Come on, man!"
[Heckler:] ("Hey, hey, hey everybody, hey, hey listen, here.. Hey, hey, hey Bob..
[B.o.B] "Can I get this man-? Get-"
[Heckler:] ("Hooters everywhere we go! Hooters everywhere we go! Hooters everywhere we go! Haha..")
[B.o.B:] "Come on, get this man outta here man, we gotta get security in here or something, man.. What's he doing?"
[Heckler:] ("Yeah! In your face, man! Bob! Shit!")