Barathrum Dark Sorceress 2 (winter Siege)
Fort surrounded by waters during that winter of battles Those waters were covered by diamondlike ice In that castle of stone under siege of curved sabres It was so freezing, so cold and no food Sorceress of that castle got an idea to help Them away from the hunger to the victory of war She just needed to practice sex magic with the warlord Lord from enemy side to fulfill victory rite So she started to enchant warlord from enemy camp Young warlord seemed to fall in love with sorceress But he was just pretending - he was magician too By the science of sorcery he knew the attempt for deceit So he was acting like falling in love with the sorceress And finally she asked him to meet her in the dark In the darkness secretly at the gates of castle She promised to give herself for warlord Warlord took his warriors along to the gates Those warriors were hiding in the shadows of the walls Sorceress opened the gate for warlords entering But too late she noticed attack of enemy Fortunately for that castle and for defenders of it Guard noticed the intruders, so he alarmed all soldiers After short battle enemy was killed Sorceress was arrested as a traitor of the land She was sentenced to the sentence of death She was put to prisonment. her dungeon was walled up And she died in that dungeon, but she set infernal curse Epidemic arrived - most of warriors died That fort still stands in middle of dark waters And every dead of the night a phantom of sorceress Wanders at those corridors, haunts in those huge halls And you can hear the echo of her sobbing from the walls...