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Division Lyrics

Barkaa Division

Them little Black f..ckers gonna get [?] get building
If they don't come here, they're gonna start getting flogged
And they won't come back 'cause personally, myself will take them out [?]
Wouldn't that be called lynching?
I don't give a shit what it's called
It's society's f..cking problem and I'm over it

[Verse 1]
You want division? Huh, okay, listen
My people making up twenty-eight percent of these prisons
We make up three percent here in this population while the other ninety-seven percent under the ground missin'
Wanna talk about it? Let's talk about it
We got coppas killin' mob and walking 'round and proud about it
Wonder we're loud about it? Been silenced too long
And I'm sick of being angry, my people sick of being too strong
Sick of my mob locked up, all over petty crimes
White man gets let off and the Black fellas lose a life
You got our kids messed up, rippin' 'part our family ties
Look at the statistics on abuse, they're institutionalised
I'm sick of being painted as a drunk
I rock up to your pubs and I don't even have a drink
But it's full of f..ckin' gubs
I'm sick of white tears claiming they don't get no love
But when look at the history, they've always hated us
Yous created division, this is white man-made
Truckers go into communities and make the Black girls slaves
Let's get 'em hooked on meth, then the white man rapes
Then points the finger at the father, so the Black man's blamed

[Verse 2]
This the truth, they get f..cked up, it even ain't mentioned
You bring that poison to the people, NT intervention
Let's teach 'em a lesson, they'd be nothing without us
We stole inventions and claimed 'em, how dare first people go doubt us
They just created a stick, but you poised our waters
You went endangered our species as my ancestors was slaughtered
Then they created borders, while they wiped out our knowledge
Stole the language off my mother's tongue, hell fire upon us
I'm just keeping honest, I'm preparing to die
If that means my culture thrives without me alive
L'd do anything to have a little peace
But before I was born, they already hated me
So the f..ck I gotta be? Ain't your puppet on a string
God save the f..cking queen? F..ck your anthem, I don't sing
You must got to be thick if you think it's all a game
I got my old people here without a name up on their graves
Best believe it's 'bout to change
They had us all stuck in a box
Now we breaking out the barriers for the ones we have lost
I'm coming for that stolen wealth, through my voice pay the cost
The tables have turned, so now you call me Mrs. Boss
Mr. Boss Man, think you can close my eyes?
I'll be that loud Black bitch that you f..cking despise
L'll be that angry Black sister with that fire inside
That lights the fires that make sure that my young kids survive
You can call it what you want, but I'ma call it how it is
The rest of the world can see that Australia's racist
My pages full of pages commenting without faces
And when they do show their faces, they're usually shit-faced
Have another one, Shazza, pour it up
Put that bottle to your head and you can go and get f..cked
Think you're better, doesn't matter, you're the neighbourhood drunk
Who gets f..cked up on VB and shames out your sons, motherfucker
Sixty-five thousand f..ckin' years, nah, we ain't done yet
I don't want your table, f..ck your table and it's weak leg
Fuck your constitution, you can keep it for them rednecks
And every time you look at us, I hope it makes you f..ckers sweat
