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My Friend The Fly Lyrics

Barry Adamson My Friend The Fly

My friend the fly is a cheeky little mite
He enters by the window and he hangs out by the light
He guages where I'm at and then he swoops from yay on high
And buzzes right up close and says it's me your friend the fly
And I fly into a rage as he deceives my point of view
He's just a little fly and yes I know that much is true
And something touched me on the head and I gave myself a whack
And slipped on a banana skin and smack right on my back

My friend the fly swoping low begins to sing
My ankle has been sprained and now my arm is in a sling
He seems to take delight as now he spins and loops the loop
My mind is sharp and my eye is keen to land him in the soup
As he begins to serenade of things of sheer delight
Then focus my attention and my will with all my might
And almost flying through the air I give myself a whack
Then down a flight of thirteen steps and smack right on my back
I'm lying in the hospital it's the thirteenth floor for me
No solitude no food is this the life you seek
Despite that cheeky so and so's attempts to spoil my day
That pretty nurse with the bandages she just can't stay away
If you could see what I've become you'd get a strange surprise
Indeed I am invisible except for nose and eyes
When noone comes to visit then I'm really quite relieved
Except when I remember and I really get quite peeved
And almost right on cue I hear a buzzing somewhere near
My heart begins to swell because one thing is now quite clear
He guages where I am at and he swoops from yay on high
He buzzes right up close and says it's me your friend the fly
He sits upon my noggin and we share a smoke or two
And I'm moved to say it's great to have a friend a friend like you
No more will I try and beat you down and drive us round the bend
Because after all it's me and you the fly my only friend
