Bavu Blakes Highly Anticipated
* Highly anticipated like ya mama promising to whip that ass at the mall And when y'all get home you try to play sleep, but before you fall Startled when the leather hits And suddenly what she said before she bought your Keds has fresh relevance My voice knocks, then come the noxious fumes That possibly make you nauseous Though devoid of nonsense Cops called for nuisance But it was just me givin' my two cents Nobody effin' with Voo since he started An artist, anyone facin' me gets an audio audit And plus a so-called crown dearly departed Somebody should've been way more cautious 'Cause name one winner who ever fought this I rock rhymes regardless I could care less about competition But i'll stomp your demo as an exhibition Of demolition the only viable option For anybody considerin' stoppin' me when I'm on stage rockin' They could be had, puttin' bad taste in my concoction Whether spoiled or stale, you could be foiled or fail Sentence to burn in hell unless you know your craft well Create and Hustle