Beccy Cole Ordinary Heart
An ordinary heart comes in a plain brown wrapper
believing in hopes and dreams and happy ever after
Someone to love is all that really matters
to a heart…… an ordinary heart
An ordinary heart comes with a door that never closes
though it’s gathered more than it’s share of
thorns among the roses
It would tell you that’s just the price
that life imposes
On a heart… ordinary heart
An ordinary heart may not be the jewel in the crown
but it’s the only thing you can count on
when the chips are down
An ordinary heart is a diamond in the rough
a diamond after all is made of ordinary stuff
After all this time you’d think it would know better
still reading between the lines of old love letters
But nothing is lost when it becomes a treasure
to a heart…… an ordinary heart
An ordinary heart it came in a plain brown wrapper
believing in hopes and dreams and happy ever after
Someone to love was all that really matters
to a heart…… this ordinary heart