Black Raven Tiddlywink
There is a bouncy Babe, they call her Tiddlywink
Cause all the boys flip over her down at the skating rink
Her real names' Brenda Ursula Sophia Humperdinck
But everybody calls her
Tiddlywink, Tiddlywink
You look so pretty in pink
Tiddlywink, Tiddlywink
I don't know what to think
You'd make a prize fighter blink
Tiddlywink, Tiddlywink
Do I love her, does an actress love a mink?
Do I need her, does a pen need ink?
She flirts and she pushes you right to the brink
She'd make the devil get religion and a preacher get a drink
Do I want her, does a tee-shirt want to shrink?
Do we go together, do Titantic go with sink?
She always gets her way with just a wiggle and a wink
My aorta starts a' throbbin' like a hose with a kink