Blessed In Sin Under The Veil Of Isis
Funeral procession, my face is veiled by the funerary
mask, onward to the burial chamber,
onward to the inner most shrine. I'm ready to fight
with the horrors of the netherworld.
Now that the mystical unguments are resurecting my body
and my soul.
Here start the chapters which relates the exit of my
soul, towards the regions of the
beyond that I'll cross with the celestial boat. Now
that I'm the great god I hail you Isis my
mother, thou who are beyond the cosmic abysses, great
is your shrine.
Hail o sacred order of goodness Nut. Let the sanctuary
of Unnu be blessed; let the gates of
heaven be opened for me. Here is this god, this great
god of celestial Nil. He is in
conformity with the rhythm of Ra. Grant me o gods, the
power over heaven water.
I penetrated the mysteries of hermopolis because Thot
himself laid his seal on my forehead
and the sacred eye protects me. He shines on the
forehead of Ra, father of all the gods.
The funeral rites have been accomplished, the ways have
been opened because I'm your
son. I become the spirit pure and sanctified. I'm
protected by the words of power.
Almighty gods, divine spirits, watch me, I've
accomplished my travel, I'm before you. O
gods of sacred rythms, listen to my words, I'm Osiris
lord with eternity. My mysterious
residences were desecrated I have hidden myself with
you oh ye stars, I'm the master of
sacred knowledge and magikal words.
As Ra, I protect myself, nobody can ignore me or hurt
me, o son of goodness Nut, I come to
you prince of the gods; because I'm your son I won't
die a second time in the nether world.
Now I'm entering and penetrating in the courtyard of
As I executed the orders you've gave the night. I live
as you Isis day after day and all the
divinities delight to see us in life: you who are me
and I who are you. Now I'm entering in
the temple of Nephyts who blesses my soul.
Can I me too after my death be introduced among the
divine spirits of knowledge.
The things which are created are in the hollow of my
hand and those which are not yet
come into being are in my body.
I am clothed and wholly provided by magical words...
I have gained power and exaltation and full breathing
throat in the abode of my father Ur
and he hath delivered unto me the beautiful Amentet
which destroyeth living men and women...
I am Ra, who is his own protector and nothing shall
ever let me to the ground.
Hail o sacred order of goodness Nut. Let the sanctuary
of Unnu be blessed; let the gates of
heaven be opened for me. Here is this god, this great
god of celestial Nil. He is in
conformity with the rhythm of Ra. Grant me o gods, the
power over heaven water.
I'm eternal.