Blue Eyed Devils The Truth
You try to break my will and try to bring me down,
but I will persevere, my spirit remains sound!
All that I hold to be just and all that I hold inside in
this world gone to shit,
I’m standing strong and full of pride!
I know the truth and I know what’s right,
courage to face my foe, in the midst of chaos I’ll keep
up the fight!
The truth will conquer all and the truth will set you
free with justice as my shield,
I control my destiny!
Nothing is stronger than what I believe to be true,
the power I need to be destroy the threat of the Jew!
Now I know what I need, the feeling that I am right in
what I believe,
I know the truth will rise above all!
Sit and watch my victims as they fall-
The truth will rise above!