Bluetree It Is Finished
v1 Christ the Servant King, Man yet God in true humility. You came to serve this world in love You showed us how to live in love Christ the wondrous King Word made flesh yet still divinity The only way, the truth the life You showed us how to live this life
chorus It is finished, it is finished The cross has done it The work is over. My God is risen, For Christ he lives in me. It is finished, it is finished The cross has done it The work is over. My God is risen, For Christ is Lord indeed.
V2 Christ the Saviour King With arms held out for all this world to see You hold this world within Your hands You hold my life within Your hands. Christ the risen King Defeated sin and death, Now hell must flee Your resurrection brings me life Your resurrection bought us life
bridge If God is with us Who can stand against us If God is with us Who can stand
If God is with us Who can rise against us Our God is faithful To the end.