Bobby & The Tiger 8 Floors
if i could get out of this damn town
and not have to see anyone around
i'd sit underneath that tree where i could breath
and get away from my home town scene
1, 2, 1234
you call me an astronaut cause i'm always lost in space
i'll never be a name to you i'll always just be a face
you can never seem to put those together
we've never been best freinds we're not friends forever
i don't have the time or patience
to put up with your belligerence
i need to find a home not a house x3
if i could get out of this damn town
and find a place just to call my own
if i could find that old tree
then i could finally be happy
climbin up the stairs gonna meet my maker
finally found a way to suppress my anger
i regret these 8 floors to go
heads up i'm fallin down
8 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down
7 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down
6 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down
5 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down
4 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down
3 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down
2 floors until i hit the ground
heads up i'm fallin down