Bokor Mosquito Dreams
what do you hear in the nights nowadays humming along to the silent songs, they never told you it's over no one
calls you home knows your name remembers who you were
every truce must come to an end some os these days soon now wonder why the radio sleeps endlessly crushing you under its (crushing you under its) formal silent weight no one
calls you home knows your name remembers who you were
in midday the mosquitos come in midday they come
no man lives here on this island beyond the Lizard Shore of an ocean never real slowly burning into ashes like inscense, windchimes and machine gun nests
the fortresses of steel sunken and gone far beyond horizons unreachable where the typhoons sleep eastwards and the endless surf beckons you for this beachhead white coral sand we melt and rot erase ourselves spirit warriors ghost in the green armour and soul never weakening never weakening
lord, you emperor of souls of the masses in the vaning land for this empire of mosquito hills you conquerer of grass and mud I beg obedience to the rising sun I beg obedience to the rising sun in this world that the jungle reclaims
warriors put to sleep dreaming mosquito dreams this blade sharpened now
in the name of all conquests failed