Bomb Factory Awaited Time
Don't stop!
Kick it up violently
Make me feel violently
Now, your time violently
Stick to my guns...
I don't care about any style
I'm just going my way
Do you find your way?
Stick to my guns...
Feeling get high
I wanna burn it up
Nobody can stop y bullet
Have fun...
Whar are you looking for?
Have fun...
Crowd of the last children
Have fun tonight
Do what you wanna do
Have fun tonight
Nobody can chain us anymore
Stick to my guns...
I don't care about any place
I can play anywhere
Are you ready to go?
Stick to my guns...
Feeling get high
Do you wanna burn it up?
Nobody can stop yourr bullet
Here comes the time, Awaited time
Two heartbeast, beat as one
Here comes the time Awaited time
We'll be able to become one
Feeling get high, burn it up