Brave Bird Healthy
I'll be seeing white
If I can sleep tonight
It's the thirty first time
Your twenty second life defies me
Just let me end my stay
If I can stay awake
I didn't last a day
If only I could count the seconds
You're fake enough
You want it all but must give up
You, I can't help but watch the words fail
And you I can't help, can't help
No one should ever fall again
No one should ever fall for friends
My brother taught me how to spit
My mother didn't want two kids
Who's the youngest? The pain we can't forgive
You're waking up, your faiths enough
To fall again
You can't hold back
You can't hold yourself to something less
I can't hold back
I can't hold myself back
De säger att du varit i lag med djävulen
Varför frågar du det?
Det är inte av nyfikenhet, utan av högst personliga skäl. Jag vill också möta honom
Jag vill fråga honom om Gud. Han måste ju veta. Han om någon
Du kan se honom när du vill
You can't hold back
You can't hold yourself to something less
I can't hold back
I can't hold myself back
Every time you're walking me backwards
Count all the words that I gave her
And any time you want me to come home
I'll be fine with keeping my phone calls