Bread & Juice Just As You Are
I am searching for a Love that is truly blind. I am learning that this life is an uphill climb. I am a sinner desperately in need of a home. I am cleaner when I'm standing in the shadow of his throne. Every one of us is different, but in Jesus we are the same. Every one of us has a unique blend of loves and hurts, hopes, and pains. So come just as you are; Just as you were; Just as you always will be. Come; You are my brother; You are my sister; You are my family. I am a beggar begging for alms of understanding. I am a sailor, sialing just to find a holy landing. I am poor in spirit anchored in the sea of my sin. So I run to Him who calms the seas and stops the wind. (Jesus said) Come to me you who are weary, And I will give you rest for your souls. It doesn't take a formula or theory; Come to Me and be bold. Come just as a child would be, meek and mild and free, Innocently seeking all His grace.