Britney Sanders God Will Deliver
When you're burdened down and it seems like the weight of the world's on
your shoulder, don't despair, God really cares
When you've done your best and it seems like you've done nothing at all,
don't give up, God won't let you fall
When it seems like all hope is gone
Remember God is still on the throne
And He will deliver
On Time
On Time
When your bills are due and your money is gone, and it seems like you can't
make it alone, don't despair, cause God really cares
When you've done all that you can do and all your palns fail to go through,
don't give up, God is wwatching over you
When it seems like all hope is gone, just remember, remember, remember, God
is still on the throne and he will deliver
On time
God will deliver
On time
Oh Oh Oh
God will deliver
Yes He will oh oh
God will deliver
Sure enough deliver
On time
God will deliver
God will deliver
He'll do it everytime
I just like to say to all the non-believers today. If you have doubt in
your mind that God will deliver, go pick up a bible and read Daniel the 3rd
chapter, 25th verse. When he delivered Shadrach, Meshack and Abendego from
the fiery furnace, don't tell me God won't deliver.
If you don't believe, read John the 11th chapter, 43-44th verse when he
spoke to Lazarus and he stopped out from his grave. Don't tell me God won't
deliver. You can read on a little further, Mark the 6th chapter, 38-44th
verse. When he took 2 little fish and 5 loaves of bread and fed 5,000
I know He will
I know He will
Yes He will
Yes He will
And those of you out there that's been down on your sick bed and you know,
you know, you know God healed your body
You ought to be a witness right now that He will heal you, He will heal
you, He will heal you
Oh oh God will deliver on time, aint' no doubt inmy mind
Yes He will
Yes He will
Yes He will
I've tried Him. I know what I'm talking about.
Oh yeah, the Lord will deliver on time.