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Hate Speech Lyrics

Bryson Gray Hate Speech

Somebody gotta do it, ay, ay

They say I'm that MAGA rapper
Ain't no capping bible-thumping every chapter
Bought a MAGA chain and bought an AR for the chain snatchers
Offending everybody, ay, like it was my hobby
And they hate me cuz I drive them crazy call me Ricky Bobby

[Verse 1]
There ain't no such thing as trans
You can't change genders, are you crazy?
You can can cut your penis off
But you still can't have no baby

You can take testosterone pills
But you still can't produce semen
Welcome to Gender Studies class
That y'all are taking for no reason

Send your kids to college just for them to be indoctrinated
Then they come out fat with green hair
Them degrees are overrated

Look, I'm just being real
Regardless of how you feel
Homeschool your kids
Make sure they read their bibles and you teach them skills
Wait, universal healthcare, now there's a reason to riot
Why should I pay taxes for people that ain't changing their diet?
Obesity the biggest killer but that topic their quiet
But want me force me to wear a mask because of the Chinese virus?

Wait, mask off, uh, screw it, mask off
You men grew up without father figures and that's why you soft
You worship your skin instead of God
And that's why you lost

But let me guess, you want to be oppressed?
But tell me at what cost
Instead of being civilized we think it's cool to be ratchet
Women want to be someone else, that's why their body is plastic
Twenty pounds of makeup, fake lashes. hair and fake nails
Just to impress all of these people that's probably fake as well

"Be yourself", but the problem is, too many people lack confidence
Hey, hey, the problem is too many people lack common sense
Hey, hey, the problem is too many people are scared to say the truth
Hey, hey, the problem is that's why there is trouble in our youth

Hey, y'all think its cool to take drugs
It is popular to be depressed
So people have pity parties, disguise it as mental health
Then go to a therapist instead of handling it themselves
Then they end up hooked up on pills and so is everyone else
Uh... Bryson? That's hate speech

