Burn Drown
Depression haunting me
I can't break free
I can't be me
I don't know what to do because there is no escape
From your grasp and you'll squeeze me until I ooze
From the cracks, but I come back for more
Some strange magnetism drawing me to your core
I'm not capable of hate so it seems, but I'm getting closer
Close enough to realize the pain caused
It seems to me that I'm not to blame though my tears
Fall like rain
I'm drowning in a sea of emotions
I'm trapped by my actions
I'm falling prey to my emotions
What builds my feeling are the stones from which you build
A barrier between me and you
Un-needed and not wanted. A mental wall banishing
Me from you
I must destroy this wall allowing us to see each
Other for what we could be or could have been as a unit