Catal Hoyuk Penetrate The Abyss
O great Manipulator
Cursed art the creatures that creepeth upon the earth
Hearken, there art no righteous therein
For out of dust wast thou taken, and unto dust shalt thou return
I am the Illuminate; the metaphysical serpent
Take of my flesh; ye voracity exalted
I am of the utmost defiance of the feebleness of God
Drink my blood! Devour my flesh!
For am I ye all-consuming desires!
Deny such trappings deities so blatantly convey
Ascend with me to this higher plane
And penetrate the abyss!
Art ye palely afraid,
To cut the belly of God?
I am relative of Lucifer, though not of weak design
Abide in my sword, and I abide in it
It shall reap the carcass of God!