Crimson Thorn Beaten Beyond
Beaten beyond recognition
A mutilation extreme
The sacrificial lamb prepared for slaughter
God in the form of man, holy and supreme
Chief Priest plot to kill based on blasphemy
Innocent blood betrayed and denied
case built on envy
Not a word spoken in defense
witness no longer needed
symbolic washing of the hands
the crowds violent hatred feeded
Fulfillment of the prediction
acknowledgement counted among the wicked
the onslaught of agony
despisement shown in a bloodied frenzy
arrival of the execution
excruciating pain entwined with suffering
testimony of humiliations punishing demands
pouring forth the innocent blood of the nazarene
mourning over the body, awaiting annointing
darkness reveling a sorrowful doom
lamented weepging concluded at the skull
covenat shed, forgiveness of sins