Dallas Frazier Don't Come Knocking On My Door
Woman don't you think I know you've been down at Smoky Joe's
Spendin' all my workin' cash a drinkin' mash and talkin' trash
But you ain't foolin' me no more so don't come knockin' on my door.
Woman I'm all done with you you just lost yourself a fool
Go out and find another man to lay them greenbacks in your hand
You ain't welcome here no more so don't come knockin' on my door.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I bought you pretty dresses and chocolate candy bars
I bought you highheel sneakers and a car with whitewall tires
I give you all my lovin' but all I got was shame
'Cause all you've done was cheat on me and scandalize my name.
Woman hear me when I say, oh, turn your head and walk away
You don't fool me if you cry I just said my last goodbye
I don't want you round no more so don't come knockin' on my door
I don't want you round no more so don't come knockin' on my door.
I don't want you round no more so don't come knockin' on my door...