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Tell Her I Said Hey Lyrics

Danny Worsnop Tell Her I Said Hey

If you see her walking down the street
If by chance you have a chance to meet
Find out how she's doing kind of casually
And if the conversation turns to me

Tell her I said hey
Tell her that I'm doing alright
Tell her I ain't home heartbroke, crying every night
Tell her that I'm better than I've ever been, like I used to be
Tell her I said hey, then walk away

Don't you tell her that I'm a sight to see
Don't tell her you came here checking in on me
Keep her wondering if I'm wild and free
Keep it simple, keep it short and sweet

Tell her I said hey
Tell her that I'm doing alright
Tell her I ain't home heartbroke, crying every night
Tell her that I'm better than I've ever been, like I used to be
Tell her I said hey, then walk away
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