Dave Brockie Experience Servant Of Death's Head
The Knight's Cross with diamond clusters
The Knight's Cross with diamond clusters
I was but 15 when I joined the SS
Assigned to the Kharkov sector
My father Johann was proud of my exploits
He was the Obersturmbanngruppenführer!
Servant of Death's Head
Servant of Death's Head
Servant of Death's Head
The SS...
(And just when things were getting under control
The house was more or less destroyed
But the family continued to live there
Rats ate the family that continued to live there)
[Verse 2]
Panzerfaust Panzerfaust, rinky-dinky doo
That's what we learn in the school
In Brest-Litovsk, I entered the maw
I was driven mad by the hatred I saw
My father Johann was proud of my exploits
A shell tore off my jaw
Servant of Death's Head
Servant of Death's Head
Servant of Death's Head