Decadence Everything I Am
Father of the darkest night hide the light that blinds
my eyes, mother of the endless time break the walls
that bring to the shadows. Keeper of the wind of life
to the stars I’ll pray tonight, preying to the shooting
star for your breath the gift of life to give me.
The wounds you still feed are your choice my sinner, so yourself with all this misery... You can stay of
course and pray and pray and pray to any shooting star
you like; and even if you break all the walls, even if
you hide your lies inside my arms you can still feel
the blood on your hands... It’s your karma babe. I am
not your saviour and of course I’m not your father.
It’s too late to trust me for a dolce vita... Dolce
vita is a long train running, smashing all your
beliefs. Think about it once again or just take a close
look at the sunsets’ fire.
Creature of my pain and fears see the hopes in sunsets’
fire, watch them burning in the flames like the sun
behind the sea is dying. Father of the darkest night
light the path that guides my life, mother of the
endless time stop the clock that ticks to end my
So make a choice, it’s now or never, you tell me it’s
time to change our lifes, something good will happen
tomorrow and the strange... I believe in you from time
to time. From what I had I gave you, the rest are for
me, moments of absolutely fantasy is what you keep on
talking about... Lay your hands on me, after all I’m
your good Samaritan; tomorrow I will take you to a
fancy chinese restaurant and show that I stole for
you... I stole the moon, here, take it if you like,
it’s yours... I stole a happy past, a nightmare again
and again... I guess now you have understood that
sometimes given up is hard to do.