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Use Your Eyes Lyrics

Discoverise Use Your Eyes

The bounderies inside you
Are causin' you to hide
Who is the ghost in the mirror
Askin' it too much

You never thought you'll do this
But you just ran from home
You've got the Saturday freedom
Tommorow you'll be back

Roll the dice
Life is luck
Out of luck
This time

It is wrong when you watch somebody's pain
You should do something to change their straits
Cause you have your eyes, you can react
In the name of rights, our map
Close your eyes and think of path
Idleness is what can ruin the life
But you have your strenght, you can be brave
So react right now when you see the pain
Use your eyes

I saw a chinese video
Where kid was hit by a car
Many people were close to him
Nobody could react

We wonder if it's Devil
But that's how it goes
We got stuck in the moment
Tommorow may not come

Roll the dice
Life is luck
Out of luck
This time

It is wrong when you watch somebody's pain
You should do something to stop their straits
Cause you have your eyes, you can react
In the name of rights, our map
Close your eyes and think of path
Idleness is what can ruin the life
But you have your strenght, you can be brave
So react right now when you see the pain
Use your eyes

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