Disincarnate Monarch Of The Sleeping Marches
On the nightward shores of dream Beyond the waking plain Gates of horn and ivory Bid welcome to Oneiro's domain Enter the nocturnal world Haunt of weary minds Revel in the fields of nightmare Dreams of the Carrion kind Monarch of the sleeping marches Creature of no end Son of Hypnos, shaper of the dreaming Abducted and imprisoned With escape he takes revenge His captors face the nightmare everlasting Visit to the realms infernal Come to reclaim his own Domicile of damned souls Demonkind and the neverborn Taking flight on nothing winds Through uncreated wastes Wary of the perils Beyond damnation's gates Called upon by destiny Conclave of the endless now begins Dream taunted by desire Returning once again to the abyss Within the bounds, infernal now Desolation reigns supreme Forsaking his majestic realm The first among the fallen sheds his wings Cursed with the abysmal key Tortured souls are now unleased Possession of this black kingdom Now the burden of Lord Morpheus On the nightward shores of dream Beyond the waking plain Gates of horn and ivory Bid welcome to Oneiro's domain Creator of the dreamscape Lord of weary minds Revel in the fields of nightmare Dreams of the Carrion kind Monarch of the sleeping marches Creature of no end Son of Hypnos, shaper of the dreaming Triumphantly resolving The sovereignty of hell Free now to return to his dominion