Dreams From Gin Midnight In Canandaigua
This town looks so different at Midnight
I've never seen her streets so subdued
I drove out here to remember
That's seven bucks I won't get back soon
I know you don't wanna hear it because it's so cliche
but I just wanted to tell you how much I've thrown away
and I'll admit it's unhealthy and someday I'll pay
but I just wanted to indulge myself today
walking through the front door and swearing I won't be long
unlike the man whose been them since he got back from nome
My regards to the cold wind I wanted to feel numb
but now I just want to talk to someone
I'd like to drive a little longer and listen to the static
but when am I not being over dramatic
When the lights of Lyons come into view
I'll be home asleep and can forget of you