Eternals Wrath Of Zeus
Hail Zeus, the greatest god of all times declare
that you have offended our sacred community
Your punishment shall be an example for all
And do not expect any mercy from me
You've betrayed the faith of your lords, fool
mortal humans
You are sentenced to spend your entire life
In a never ending dance on this floor
And now, for eternity, you shall endure the
mighty Wrath Of Zeus
And's... your punishment!
Waa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa
Waa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa
The eternal dance. The ultimate punishment for
those who dare defy our strength
Suffering, moving, spinning round and round
No more sleep for the unfaithfull
You shall regret what you have done, now you're
And don't even think to escape, for your
salvation might be on the floor
Wake the dance in you, dance, dance, dance !!!
And now, the eternal dance ...