Eve Stop Hatin (skit)
Guy: Yo you know I just seen that new eve video, that thing on fire.
Girl: Who?
Guy: Eve! Bombshell. Yeah, Queen of Philadelphia.
Girl: (Raspberries) Yeah, right.
Guy: Awe cæ¦on man, I know you ainæ° hatinon that young lady.
Girl: Oh no I ainæ° hatinI mean, sheæ¯ alrightå»he ainæ° all that. But- she ainæ°
like that.
Guy: She more than alright, she just got a Grammy- talking about she alright.
She just got a Grammy.
Girl: I think that was all luck.
Guy: Awe, itæ¯ no luck- luck? This f..cks me up. She got 4 million records, got
all this shit poppin movies and all that shit and you from Philly standing
here talking about itæ¯ luck. Thatæ¯ crazy, thatæ¯ crazy. I donæ° know who you
feeling right now, but thatæ¯ some crazy shit. All my niggas and all the chicks
I know back home say that she the shit. And all them cop her shit- I donæ° know
what you talking about.
Girl: Do they ever see here, do she ever come to the hood? I donæ° never see her
down town, down south street
Guy: 'cause she be busy, she got her shit poppin You donæ° ever see her on South
street? She forever at Ishcabizzles. And it take 3 months and shit like that to
make movies, and 3 months albums, 3 months to tour, thatæ¯ nine months outa yourå»
top hatin
Girl:Cæ¦on man! I ainæ° hatin. Cæ¦on, I mean who she wanna be?
Guy: You all up here on this motherfucking corner with these motherfucking
baggy tights on, and your teeth all motherfucking yellow, sipping on some a
warm Sprit talking shit about her. She Crystal and caviar. What the f..ck is you
talking about? You better stop with your 3 motherfucking extensions and 4
Girl: Hold up, hold up.
Guy: Hold up what? What the f..ck?
Girl: I know you ainæ° just come at me like that!
Guy: Yeah, 'cause you coming at her like that!
Girl: Iæ¦ from the f..cking hood! You f..cking nappy head! Smoking cigarettes,
buying lucies from the Chinese store. You broke ass bitch. Your f..cking limp
ass Tims. Cæ¦on now!
Guy: Awe ainæ° this a motherfucker.
Girl: Iæ¦ f..cking hood! Eve donæ° even know you, nigga!
Guy: Yeah I know you hood, you rusty nipple ring having ass motherfucker! Your
rusty ass nipple ring, and your navel navel ring, what the f..ck is you talking