Eyedress No Love In The City
No religion
I ain't frontin'
People choosing hate
Over loving
Why you bothering me
I ain't doin' nothing
Mind your own business
Freedom for the people
F..ck Police
Killing innocent children on the streets
There's a new body almost every week
Makes me sick
Who's gonna die today
I don't know
I don't wanna see this shit
It's all I know
My mind's corrupt
The city's f..cked
Everywhere I go
I get no love
So sick of this
It's dangerous
Where are kids gonna grow up
Grow up f..cked up
Listening to bullshit
Not reading books and shit
I don't f..ck with that
Better wise up
Before you get your ass locked up
Something that you're not
Something that I was
It's something I forgot
I think it was love
Everyone wants to hate
On the color of your skin
Who's gonna die today
Who's gonna cry today
There's always a price to pay
Radio sucks
There's nothing good
It's all about money and lust
I just want truth
What happened to the good old days
What happened to the good old times
When everyone was about that shit
Kept it real
Who the f..ck
Likes this shit
Ain't no love in the city
There's kids on the street
Begging for money
Looking for food to eat
Victims of poverty
The problem with society
Gives me anxiety
I wanna f..cking freak
Nothing's changing
What do you think of me
You ain't foolin' me
Stop lying to me
Me, me, me, me, me, me