Fall Of The Idols The Grand Act
Vacant eyes gleaming with rejection
How much one can take until forgiven
Preaching to the pious congregation
Like throwing pearls before swine
Pawns shifting quietly between the extremities
Tainting the will to life, depleted to insanity
Stripped from all of it's given authority
Imperfection all laid to bare
Paralyzed by one's own insecurity
Searching for a god which is no longer there
Pawns shifting quietly between the extremities
Gnawing the right to life, depleted to insanity
Struggling between body and mind, how People can not be
As conclusions stare the one, mute, morose and gray
Pawns shifting quietly between the extremities
Gnawing the will to life, depleted to insanity
Silence is consent, the grand act adjourned
A cycle turning, nothing has been learned
As only doubt would set one free