False Heroics Lunapier
Narrator: It’s cold out where the wind’s blowing
Cross criss-crossed yellow on grey
But inside these warm halls welcome home
Folks pressed up ‘gainst window panes
Sought: We wait for these souls to be set free
By credit sales and layaways
We crave to be worn by something real
Something to hide these shames away
Seeker: You will know life as I know completely
Sought: Can’t we feel alive today?
Seeker: Breathe the air,
Breathe the air
—I am your Joy
Your wants complete
Sought: Oh, mall of hope
Oh, store of dreams
Seeker: I love you more than songs could sing
This is your home
Give me your heart
Narrator: Jared wanted something honest
Something he could worship to
But every mode that comes out is wrong
To these ones he said he loves
Sought: We wait to sweep across coin and key
Gate and fee to the Lord
We wait to know life completely
Seeker: Breathe the air,
Breathe the air
—I am your Joy
Your needs complete
Sought: Oh, shore of hope
Oh, sea of dreams
Seeker: I love you more than songs could sing
This is your home
Give me your heart