Gord Downie A Natural
We'd line up cans on the picnic table
In the backyard across the long
You stood soaking wet in your bathing suit
Taking deadly aim with your BB gun
You are a natural
Kissed by the sun
You are a natural
You've just begun
With every can you'd hit you'd smile the thinnest smile
You'd barely savour the applause
Or the jealousy of the older ones
Just before you'd calmly killed a can, you'd cause
You are a natural
There in the sun
You are a natural
Beautiful and young
And with all my life, I'll probably miss those days
Wiled away with you spent on nothing much
Watching you shoulder things, take deadly aim
Your finger on the trigger, your gentle touch
You are a natural
You've only just begun
You are a natural
I'm the lucky one
I'm the lucky one
I'm the lucky one
I'm the lucky one